
The sun always shines on Claremont Rambling Club!  After quite a few rainy days, it was a beautiful sunny spring day on Sunday 24 March as members and visitors took the Club bus to Stobo in the Scottish Borders.

After a coffee stop in the well-named Coffee Spot in Biggar, the bus travelled on to Stobo, where as usual the walkers divided into two groups. Those who opted for the longer walk took a challenging 10 mile circular route along rough forestry roads and trails with a gentle climb along the side of Mid Hill and then a mix of grass paths and uneven and partly muddy ground, followed by a hilly stretch before before heading back to the bus. This was one of the Club’s harder walks but well worth it for the views.

The alternative walk was a much easier one of 6 miles along mainly flat forest tracks and taking in the Japanese Water Gardens near Stobo Castle before returning to the starting point.

Everyone then enjoyed the customary social hour in the Cross Keys in Biggar before heading back home.